Articut FAQ

Q: How to cite Articut?

A: Please use the following reference, computer programs and web sites : Wang, Wen-jet, Chen, Chia-jung, Lee, Chia-ming, Lai, Chien-yu, Lin, Hsin-hung (2019). Articut: Chinese Word Segmentation and POS Tagging System [Computer program]. Version <VERSION>, retrieved <DD-MM-YY> from

Ref. APA style, BibTeX style

KeyMoji FAQ

Q: How to cite KeyMoji?

A: Please use the following reference, computer programs and web sites : Wang, Wen-jet, Chen, Chia-jung, Lee, Chia-ming, Lai, Chien-yu, Lin, Hsin-hung (2020). KeyMoji [Computer program]. From

Ref. APA style, BibTeX style